Java: IntelliJ idea generated code incorrectly prefixing all Class designations with their Package name -

i have package 'world', containing class 'world' , class 'tile'. class world contains array of tiles. when use idea's generate constructor function, produces constructor this:

world(int width, int height, world.tile[][] terrain) {     this.width = width;     this.height = height;     this.terrain = terrain; } 

it highlights "tile" red , says can't find symbol. when remove "world." works expected.

what've screwed here? i'm running new installation of idea , i've never had issue before, don't think changed should causing this. apologies if has been asked before tried searching every permutation of words think of!

world class before constructor added:

package world;  public final class world {      private final int width;     private final int height;      private final tile[][] terrain;  } 

obicere's comment:

the world class shadowing world package. standard, why use lowercase packages , upper-camel-cased class names.

package names can shadow class names--use lowercase package names!


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