What advantages are there to using Parse.com JS SDK over Parse.com REST API with AngularJS application? -

i using parse.com js sdk angularjs project. using parse promises , angularjs $q service bind parse data angularjs $scope object. wondering, though, there advantages using js sdk on rest api, except query syntax sugar , authentication management through currentuser method.

i guess need ask this:

  • do want make (thereby having total control of happens)?
  • or want leverage other peoples code, , start building application on top of that?

my experience is, when building apps angluarjs , parse js sdk, takes time understand how sdk working - when familiarize it, gains enormous how fast can develop application.

as stating - sessionhandling, when user has been logged in , query-building-syntax (not forget relational queries) has been taking care of you. is, @ least imo, enough me choose sdk.

last takeaway angularjs/parsesdk developer - use angular's $q-service promise handling, when working on client. way never end in missing digest cycle, calling $scope.$apply(). remember $q not available in parse's cloud code, here have use own parse.promise()-promise service.

hope these points gave insight.


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