windows - Batch script for wget -

i need script download images resursive, how can it. on windows.

i want this:

for(int = 0 ; < 100; i++) {    wget "http://download/img" + + ".png } 

how can windows batch script?

the windows equivalent sort of for loop for /l. syntax is

for /l %%i in (start,step,finish) (stuff) 

see help for in console window more info. also, windows batch variables evaluated inline. no need break out of quotes.

for /l %%i in (0,1,100) (     wget "http://download/img%%i.png" ) 

... download img0.png through img100.png no numeric padding.

if numbers 0 padded, there's added element consider -- delayed expansion. within for loop, variables evaluated before for loop loops. delaying expansion causes variables wait until each iteration evaluated. so, 0 padding taking right-most 3 characters requires this:

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion /l %%i in (0,1,100) (     set "idx=00%%i"     wget "http://download/img!idx:~-3!.png" ) 

... download img000.png through img100.png.


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