javascript - Samsung Smart TV App development - Show notification on screen -

i trying develop application on samsung smart tv can display notification while watching tv. notification contain information soccer games, twitter messages (can send message tv using twitter) , more...

the smart tv app information web server, thought of using publish/subscribe model :

  • i created mqtt broker using nodejs mosca module.
  • i created 2 scripts publishers. information web apis , publish them under topics broker.
  • the broker sends new messages each topic subscribed clients, typically smart tv app.

you can find project in github (don't hesitate contribute if interested).

i have never developed app smart tvs, wanted know :

  • is there function in samsung sdk smart tvs allows show notifications on top of screen ?
  • how can run app on background ?

the perfect thing in case web api smart tv. can call services show notifications example or other stuff ...

thank time !

developing app samsung smart tv simple if versed html5,css,jquery.

you can show notification sending ajax call after regular interval(i not stressing on part assuming know ajax , jquery)

now coming main question displaying notification on top of screen , running app in background can achieved in samsung smart tv making ticker parameter vaue y in config.xml

<ticker itemtype='boolean'>y</ticker> 

this allow run app in ticker mode in background. please go though samsungdforum. note : ticker apps allowed , korean market.


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