ios - Showing the same UIBarButtonItem on many views -

i have problem in ios application i'm looking with. i'm relatively new ios programming i'm sure there relatively simple solution problem.

first, i'm going explain hierarchy of application:

  • it uses uitabbarcontroller show couple of different screens.
  • it uses swrevealviewcontroller show sidebar
  • the sidebar accessed bar button item present in navigation bar of application.

that application uses swrevealviewcontroller doesn't directly affect problem have. if not familiar code base, think of simple bar button shown @ times.

now problem:

  • the bar button want show associated few lines of code. (a property declaration , methods).
  • this code should used on major part of different view controllers in application.

now in normal case, i'd subclass uiviewcontroller , make superclass of views should show button. however, application should show other types of views, such uitableviewcontroller, subclassing doesn't solve entire problem.

if objective-c supported multiple inheritance, make class containing code , let other classes extend subclass of uiviewcontroller , ugly support class @ same time.


  • for now, app based on storyboards
  • the tabbarcontroller points number of uinavigationcontrollers, , not views doesn't have navigation bar.
  • i have tried implementing objective-c category add category uiviewcontroller setup of uiviewcontroller. got stuck on solution when needed add @property button , linking xib/storyboard. got idea post add same uibarbuttonitem several uiviewcontrollers doesn't contain details.

tl;dr: want show same uibarbuttonitem on many of applications views. uibarbuttonitem associated code, same these views.

what way achieve this?

if understood correctly.
want show button uiviewcontrollers.

there many ways achieve this. please try one.
1. create subclass of uiview xib. contains button. create properties , ibaction.
2. implement action on subclass.
3. on .m file write below code

 - (id)awakeafterusingcoder:(nscoder *)adecoder {     if (![self.subviews count])     {         nsbundle *mainbundle = [nsbundle mainbundle];         nsarray *loadedviews = [mainbundle loadnibnamed:@"myview" owner:nil options:nil];         return [loadedviews firstobject];     }     return self; } 

where, myview name of view.
4. drag , drop uiviewand place on every `uiviewcontroller xib (or storyboard in case) , set custom class "myview" (or name of newly created class).
5. run project.

reference: may you?


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