python - mongodb: unreasonable slow query, with index and simple documents -

i using python , mongodb, need query documents database , save information documents, code :

for trips in trip.find({},{'latlng_start':1, 'latlng_end':1, 'trip_data':1, 'trip_id':1}).batch_size(500):     orig_coord = trips['latlng_start']['coordinates']     dest_coord = trips['latlng_end']['coordinates']     cell_start = citymap.find({"trips_orig": {"$exists": true},"cell_latlng":{"$geointersects":{"$geometry":{"type":"point", "coordinates":orig_coord}}}})     cell_end = citymap.find({"trips_dest": {"$exists": true},"cell_latlng":{"$geointersects":{"$geometry":{"type":"point", "coordinates":dest_coord}}}})      if cell_start.count() == 1 , cell_end.count() == 1 , cell_start[0]['big_cell8']['poi'] != {} , cell_end[0]['big_cell8']['poi'] != {}:         try:             labels_raw.append(purpose_mapping[trips['trip_data']['purpose']])                        user_ids_raw.append(int(trips['trip_id'][:10]))                      venue_feature_start.append([cell_start[0]['big_cell8']['poi'], orig_coord])             venue_feature_end.append([cell_end[0]['big_cell8']['poi'], dest_coord])          except:             continue      else:         continue 

i have assigned 2dsphere index collection citymap , indexes of collection are:

[     {         "v" : 1,         "key" : {             "_id" : 1         },         "name" : "_id_",         "ns" : "cityseg2014.grid750"     },     {         "v" : 1,         "key" : {             "latlng" : "2dsphere"         },         "name" : "latlng_2dsphere",         "ns" : "cityseg2014.grid750",         "2dsphereindexversion" : 2     },     {         "v" : 1,         "key" : {             "cell_latlng" : "2dsphere"         },         "name" : "cell_latlng_2dsphere",         "ns" : "cityseg2014.grid750",         "2dsphereindexversion" : 2     },     {         "v" : 1,         "key" : {             "_fts" : "text",             "_ftsx" : 1         },         "name" : "trips_dest_text_trips_orig_text",         "ns" : "cityseg2014.grid750",         "weights" : {             "trips_dest" : 1,             "trips_orig" : 1         },         "default_language" : "english",         "language_override" : "language",         "textindexversion" : 2     } ] 

the problem that, although there 47000 trips , citymap contains 11600 documents, query takes 3000 seconds!!! morning when run same program takes 800 seconds. have no idea why happen. idea improve efficiency?


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