how to retrive stored scala mutable Set from ElasticSearch -

hi stroing 1 id field , 1 scala mutable set in elastic search way

var genreidset = scala.collection.mutable.set[int]() genreidset+=1 genreidset+=2 genreidset+=3  bulkrequest.add(client.prepareindex("testdb","test","123")         .setsource(jsonbuilder()                    .startobject()                        .field("uuid","123")                        .field("genreidset",genreidset)                    .endobject()             ) ) 

now want retrieve document here code

val get=client.prepareget("testdb","test","123")         .setoperationthreaded(false)         .setfields("uuid","genreidset")         .execute()         .actionget()      id=get.getfield("uuid").getvalue.tostring().toint     var a=get.getfield("genreidset").getvalue.tostring 

and getting following output

id 123 genreidset set(1, 2, 3) 

i want traverse set , store value (eg : 1 2 3) in new scala mutable set how can achieve please me new in elasticsearch , taking elasticsearch java api .please thanks

you can insert scala mutable set in elasticsearch using array method

var genreidset = scala.collection.mutable.set[int]() genreidset+=1 genreidset+=2 genreidset+=3 var xb:xcontentbuilder=xcontentfactory.jsonbuilder().startobject().field("uuid",artistimpl.getuuid)       xb.startarray("getgenreidset")       for(n<-genreidset)       {           xb.value(n)         }       xb.endarray()       xb.endobject()   val bulkrequest=client.preparebulk() bulkrequest.add(client.prepareindex("testdb","test","123")         .setsource(xb) ) 

retrieve array , store values new scala mutable set here code

 id=get.getfield("uuid").getvalue.tostring().toint         var a=get.getfield("getgenreidset").getvalues.toarray()            for(number<-a)            {                genreidset+=number.tostring().toint            } 


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