javascript - Meteor WebSocket connection to 'ws://.../websocket' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 400 -

i brand new things meteor.js, , wondering error. started test project (with button click meter) , works, go console , see websocket connection 'ws://' failed: error during websocket handshake: unexpected response code: 400 don't know how fix it. thanks

i bumped problem myself, i had proxy headers set correctly , still not working. apparently cloudflare causing issues. here great article on subject:

as far i've found, there 3 solutions:

option 1: use cloudflare enterprise, supports sockets.

option 2: disable meteor websockets, affect performance fallbacks use sock.js replacment. this, set meteor environment this:

export disable_websockets=1 

option 3: in cloudflare, create ddp subdomain websocket (, disable cloudflare on new subdomain. after set meteor environment this:

export ddp_default_connection_url= 

after nginx config needed adjustments, has become cross-origin (cors) setup. new nginx config:

map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade {   default upgrade;   ''      close; }  server {   listen 80 proxy_protocol;   listen [::]:80 proxy_protocol;    server_name;    ## allows cors setup work   add_header access-control-allow-origin '';    ## hides cors setup meteor server   ## without header added twice, not sure why?   proxy_hide_header access-control-allow-origin;    ## idealy 2 options above should disabeled,   ## use 1 instead, caused issues in setup.   # proxy_set_header access-control-allow-origin '';    location / {     proxy_pass http://localhost:3000;     proxy_set_header host $host; # pass host header     proxy_set_header upgrade $http_upgrade; # allow websockets     proxy_set_header connection $connection_upgrade;     proxy_set_header x-real-ip $remote_addr; # preserve client ip     proxy_set_header x-forwarded-for $remote_addr;     proxy_http_version 1.1;      # meteor browser cache settings (the root path should not cached!)     if ($uri != '/') {       expires 30d;     }   } } 

finally, remember restart nginx.


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