ios - UILabel Not Updating After Segue -

i segue uiviewcontroller, , during init method, 2 labels' text supposed specified. however, doesn't happen , text never changes. connections right, aren't displaying anything, , can't figure out why.

below code supposed change uilabels particular viewcontroller.

-(id)initwithcoder:(nscoder *)adecoder{     if (self = [super initwithcoder:adecoder]) {         _namelabel.text = @"name";         _addresslabel.text = @"address";      }     return self; } 

below ".h" file it:

@property (strong, nonatomic) location *selectedlocation;  @property (weak, nonatomic) iboutlet uilabel *namelabel;  @property (weak, nonatomic) iboutlet uilabel *addresslabel; 

any thoughts?

i guess initwithcoder: not called. recommended set data want in viewdidload.

- (void)viewdidload {     [super viewdidload];     self.namelabel.text = @"name";     self.addresslabel.text = @"address";  } 

if not solved, check views state, such frame, hidden or alpha value.

- (void)viewwillappear:(bool)animated {     [super viewwillappear:animated];     nslog(@"[namelabel] frame : %@, hidden : %d, alpha : %@", nsstringfromrect(self.namelabel.frame), self.namelabel.hidden, self.namelabel.alpha);     nslog(@"[addresslabel] frame : %@, hidden : %d, alpha : %@", nsstringfromrect(self.addresslabel.frame), self.addresslabel.hidden, self.addresslabel.alpha); } 

updated: it's because of iboutlet nil in function initwithcoder:.

xib-instantiated object's iboutlet nil

why isn't initwithcoder initializing items correctly?


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