javascript - Setting height of a rect by form input -

i have make can manually fill in height of rect form.

so means: if change amount of first form imput 10, first rect must have height=10.

for (var = 0; < 5; i++) {         var height = -math.random()*450;         ctx.fillstyle = "#76dcdc";         ctx.fillrect(16+i*100,400,60,height); } 

with code generate random height every time press submit button. need code fill height in manually each of 5 different rectangles.

this have far. it's still messy.

	var amount = [];  	var canvas = document.getelementbyid("canvas");  	  	if(canvas.getcontext){   		var ctx = canvas.getcontext("2d");  		var hoeveelheid = 0;       		var emmer = new image();  		emmer.addeventlistener("load",drawdrop );  		emmer.src = "assets/pot_s.png";  	}else{  	}    	  	function draw(){  		ctx.fillstyle = '#fff';  		ctx.fillrect(0,0,canvas.width, canvas.height);  	}    	  	function amountchange(){  		console.log("change amount");  		var form = document.getelementbyid("form");    		for(var = 0; < form.length; i++){  			amount[i] = form[i].value;  		}  		draw();  	}    	  	function drawdrop() {  	ctx.fillstyle="#fff"  	ctx.fillrect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height);    		for (var = 0; < 5; i++) {     		var height = -math.random()*450;  		ctx.fillstyle = "#76dcdc";  		ctx.fillrect(17+i*100,410,60,height);  		}    		for (var = 0; < 5; i++){  			ctx.drawimage(emmer,i*100,400);  		}    		hoeveelheid ++;  		if (hoeveelheid == 8) {  			hoeveelheid = 1;  		}  	}      	function randomize(){  		console.log("random amount");    		var form = document.getelementbyid("form");    		for(var = 0; < form.length; i++){  			form[i].value = math.round(math.random()*25)*5;  		}    		amountchange();  	}      	function calculate() {  		console.log("bereken gegevens");  		  	}
<!doctype html>  <html>  <head>  	<meta charset="utf-8">  	<title>cpii</title>  	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="screen.css">  </head>  <body>  	<canvas id="canvas" width="500" height="500"></canvas>  	<div>  		<h1>watergebruik</h1>  		<p>hoeveel minuten heb je vandaag ... gebruikt?</p>    		<form id="form" method="post">    		de wc: <input type="number" name="wc" step="5" min="0" max="255"><br>  		de douche: <input type="number" name="douche" step="5"  min="0" max="255" ><br>  		de lavabo: <input type="number" name="lavabo" step="5"  min="0" max="255" ><br>  		de keukenkraan: <input type="number" name="keukenkraan" step="5"  min="0" max="255"><br>  		de wasmachine: <input type="number" name="wasmachine" step="5"  min="0" max="255"><br>  		de vaatwas: <input type="number" name="vaatwas" step="5"  min="0" max="255"><br>    		<button onclick="calculate()">see results</button>  		<button onclick="randomize()">random numbers</button>    		</form>  	</div>  	<script src="js/script.js"></script>  </body>  </html>

first need value of form inputs. i'm using jquery here quick example.

for (var = 0; < 5; i++) {  var height = document.getelementbyid('#input' + i).value;  ctx.fillstyle = "#76dcdc";  ctx.fillrect(16+i*100,400,60,height); } 

this works 4 inputs. ids of inputs must "input1" - "input4"


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