html - When sending an email with meteorjs, the base64 inline image is not displayed correctly -

current situation:

(client side) template:

<template name="feedback">     <h1>the image</h1>     <img src="{{image}}" alt=""/> </template> 

(client side) calling mail function:

var datacontext={     image: canvas.todataurl('image/png') }; var html=blaze.tohtmlwithdata(, datacontext);'feedback', html); 

(server side):

email.send({     to: 'xxx',     from: 'xxx',     subject: 'xxx',     html: html }); 

expected result: nice email embedded image.

actual result: mail partially html, partially 'raw' text. have no clue why.

enter image description here

this part of see in raw email:

content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8 content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable  <h1>the image</h1> =20=20=20=20<img = src=3d" 

any ideas?

gmail, many other clients, not allow use base64 source in img tag. there ways around though:

first , easiest might keep image on server , put url image source tag. has added benefit of being able handle tracking (some additional development required).

second use third party mail system , send them image , html , set way. might number of reasons doesn't answer question.

finally can in email template have adding multipart multitype boundary solution similar answer:

base64 encoded images in email signatures


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