.net - Type Is not defined - C# class to VB.NET -

i sitting rather strange error - believe followed correct steps solve.

basically, compiler complains following:

type 'interactionsentities' not defined

here explanation of have done. goal use class compiled in c# within vb.net project.

step 1: right clicked vb.net project - add > reference

step 2: out of project list, selected c# project containing interactionsentities class , pressed ok.

step 3: added line of code in vb.net module: imports csharpproject.csharpnamespace

step 4: within module, added variable: private context = new interactionsentities -- note on point, intellisense able find class required.

step 5: ensure project can use entity framework, used nuget package manager install entity framework.

so following steps listed above, have following code:

imports csharpproject.csharpnamespace  module module1     dim context = new interactionsentities()     sub main(properties string())             dim documents = context.documents.select(function(x) x)             each document in documents                 console.writeline(document.name)             next     end sub 

what strange intellisense able detect interactionsentities existed in c# namespace. upon installing entityframework nuget package, error disappear - , able access properties within context variable. moment hit "rebuild all" - error type 'interactionsentities' not defined returns. hovering on namespace (which gets marked erroneous now) , clicking error corrections options yields no correction suggestions.

have missed step inbetween? why vb.net project complaining class not exist when does? have tested other classes under c# namespace (which has nothing entity framework) , same effect occurs.

wow ok. found problem.

when happens, ensure c# project , vb.net project @ least compiled in same .net framework version.

my inspection in project following:

  1. right-click c# project > properties > application > @ target framework (my case 4.5.1)
  2. repeat steps vb.net project > properties > application > @ target framework (my case 4.5)
  3. set .net framework of vb.net project match of c# project , click yes in dialog box pops up.
  4. rebuild project

this fixed issue.


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