java - How to get duration of audio file? -

i want duration (total time) of audio file in seconds. audio file can of format i.e. (.mp3, .wav, .wma etc.).

 try {     file file = new file("c:/users/administrator/appdata/local/temp/" +          "01 - ab tere bin jee lenge hum-(");     audioinputstream audioinputstream = audiosystem.getaudioinputstream(file);     audioformat format = audioinputstream.getformat();     long frames = audioinputstream.getframelength();     double durationinseconds = (frames + 0.0) / format.getframerate();     system.out.println("duration in seconds"+durationinseconds);     audiofileformat audiofileformat = audiosystem.getaudiofileformat(file);     map<string, object> properties =;     system.out.println("properties"+properties.size()+"empy::"+properties.isempty());     for(string key: properties.keyset()){         system.out.println(key  +" :: "+ properties.get(key).tostring());     } } catch (exception e) {     system.out.println("exception:::::" + e.getmessage()); } 

i have tried using above code giving:

exception:::::could not audio input stream input file 

you missing mp3 codecs. might want try tritonus: open source java sound.

also check related thread: mp3 playback using java sound , sun mp3 plugin


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