Android Facebook 4.0 Logout Programmatically -

in app, allow users login , logout facebook programmatically.

for login, call:

arraylist<string> permissions = new arraylist(); permissions.add("manage_pages"); permissions.add("publish_actions"); loginmanager.getinstance().loginwithpublishpermissions(app.activity, permissions); 

and logout, call:

facebooksdk.sdkinitialize(getapplicationcontext()); loginmanager.getinstance().logout(); 

when call loginwithpublishpermissions() method above, official facebook app opens prompting user login, , after user logs in, become logged in both app official facebook app.

however, when call logout() method above, user not logged out official facebook app. there way make happen, i.e. signing out app force signing out official app? type of 'single sign-off,' if will?

no. common problem oauth type "signup via facebook or gmail", if logout third party app, dont out of fb or google. there no mechanism can make app issue logout command facebook app.


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