ruby - Mechanize form submission -

i have website attempting scrape using mechanize. when submit form, form submitted url of following format : (if enter url in browser, send me nice error page saying requested page not exist)

whereas, if submit form website, returned url of following format :

the website has login form not necessary fill in able submit search query.

any idea why different url submitting same form mechanize ? , how counter ? cannot process url after "mechanizing" form.


you can find exact form want submit submit, if unable find path can add form field using mechanize , submit form. here code have used in project.

i had create rake task task:

namespace :test_namespace     task :mytask => [:environment]       site = " term"       # prepare user agent       ua =       page = ua.get("#{site}")       while (true)"//div[@class='resultsnobackground']").each |res|           puts"table").at('tr').at('td').text           link_text =res.at_css('strong').at('a').text           link_href = res.at_css('strong').at('a')['href']           link_href =""+link_href           page_content=''           res.css('span').each |ss|             ss.css('strong').remove             page_content=ss.text.gsub(/vi.*s\)/, '')           end           # puts "here summmer ......#{content_summery}"          end          if"#ctl00_contentplaceholder1_ctrlresults_gvresults_ctl01_lbnext").count > 0           form = page.forms.first           form.add_field! "__eventtarget", "ctl00$contentplaceholder1$ctrlresults$gvresults$ctl01$lbnext"           form.add_field! "__eventargument", ""           page = form.submit         else           break         end       end     end end 


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