javascript - Navigation Not Lining Up -

i'm using flexnav jquery plugin. got working, list not lining up. see attached image. not know why doing since have not altered code in way on demo site lines right. here link css source code on github:

i've tried changing position property. can't seem find solution issue. i'm lost @ point. if can me fix appreciate it.

the flexnav plugin located @ , there demo on page.

enter image description here

/*      	flexnav.js 1.3.3            	created jason weaver      	released under            //      */      (function() {    var $;      $ = jquery;      $.fn.flexnav = function(options) {      var $nav, $top_nav_items, breakpoint, count, nav_percent, nav_width, resetmenu, resizer, settings, showmenu, toggle_selector, touch_selector;      settings = $.extend({        'animationspeed': 250,        'transitionopacity': true,        'buttonselector': '.menu-button',        'hoverintent': false,        'hoverintenttimeout': 150,        'calcitemwidths': false,        'hover': true      }, options);      $nav = $(this);      $nav.addclass('with-js');      if (settings.transitionopacity === true) {        $nav.addclass('opacity');      }      $nav.find("li").each(function() {        if ($(this).has("ul").length) {          return $(this).addclass("item-with-ul").find("ul").hide();        }      });      if (settings.calcitemwidths === true) {        $top_nav_items = $nav.find('>li');        count = $top_nav_items.length;        nav_width = 100 / count;        nav_percent = nav_width + "%";      }      if ($'breakpoint')) {        breakpoint = $'breakpoint');      }      showmenu = function() {        if ($nav.hasclass('lg-screen') === true && settings.hover === true) {          if (settings.transitionopacity === true) {            return $(this).find('>ul').addclass('flexnav-show').stop(true, true).animate({              height: ["toggle", "swing"],              opacity: "toggle"            }, settings.animationspeed);          } else {            return $(this).find('>ul').addclass('flexnav-show').stop(true, true).animate({              height: ["toggle", "swing"]            }, settings.animationspeed);          }        }      };      resetmenu = function() {        if ($nav.hasclass('lg-screen') === true && $(this).find('>ul').hasclass('flexnav-show') === true && settings.hover === true) {          if (settings.transitionopacity === true) {            return $(this).find('>ul').removeclass('flexnav-show').stop(true, true).animate({              height: ["toggle", "swing"],              opacity: "toggle"            }, settings.animationspeed);          } else {            return $(this).find('>ul').removeclass('flexnav-show').stop(true, true).animate({              height: ["toggle", "swing"]            }, settings.animationspeed);          }        }      };      resizer = function() {        var selector;        if ($(window).width() <= breakpoint) {          $nav.removeclass("lg-screen").addclass("sm-screen");          if (settings.calcitemwidths === true) {            $top_nav_items.css('width', '100%');          }          selector = settings['buttonselector'] + ', ' + settings['buttonselector'] + ' .touch-button';          $(selector).removeclass('active');          return $('.one-page li a').on('click', function() {            return $nav.removeclass('flexnav-show');          });        } else if ($(window).width() > breakpoint) {          $nav.removeclass("sm-screen").addclass("lg-screen");          if (settings.calcitemwidths === true) {            $top_nav_items.css('width', nav_percent);          }          $nav.removeclass('flexnav-show').find('.item-with-ul').on();          $('.item-with-ul').find('ul').removeclass('flexnav-show');          resetmenu();          if (settings.hoverintent === true) {            return $('.item-with-ul').hoverintent({              over: showmenu,              out: resetmenu,              timeout: settings.hoverintenttimeout            });          } else if (settings.hoverintent === false) {            return $('.item-with-ul').on('mouseenter', showmenu).on('mouseleave', resetmenu);          }        }      };      $(settings['buttonselector']).data('navel', $nav);      touch_selector = '.item-with-ul, ' + settings['buttonselector'];      $(touch_selector).append('<span class="touch-button"><span class="navicon">&vellip;</span></span>');      toggle_selector = settings['buttonselector'] + ', ' + settings['buttonselector'] + ' .touch-button';      $(toggle_selector).on('click', function(e) {        var $btnparent, $thisnav, bs;        $(toggle_selector).toggleclass('active');        e.preventdefault();        e.stoppropagation();        bs = settings['buttonselector'];        $btnparent = $(this).is(bs) ? $(this) : $(this).parent(bs);        $thisnav = $'navel');        return $thisnav.toggleclass('flexnav-show');      });      $('.touch-button').on('click', function(e) {        var $sub, $touchbutton;        $sub = $(this).parent('.item-with-ul').find('>ul');        $touchbutton = $(this).parent('.item-with-ul').find('>span.touch-button');        if ($nav.hasclass('lg-screen') === true) {          $(this).parent('.item-with-ul').siblings().find('ul.flexnav-show').removeclass('flexnav-show').hide();        }        if ($sub.hasclass('flexnav-show') === true) {          $sub.removeclass('flexnav-show').slideup(settings.animationspeed);          return $touchbutton.removeclass('active');        } else if ($sub.hasclass('flexnav-show') === false) {          $sub.addclass('flexnav-show').slidedown(settings.animationspeed);          return $touchbutton.addclass('active');        }      });      $nav.find('.item-with-ul *').focus(function() {        $(this).parent('.item-with-ul').parent().find(".open").not(this).removeclass("open").hide();        return $(this).parent('.item-with-ul').find('>ul').addclass("open").show();      });      resizer();      return $(window).on('resize', resizer);    };    }).call(this);
/* flexnav base styles */    * {    list-style: none;    list-style-type: none;    text-decoration: none;  }  .flexnav {    -webkit-transition: none;    -moz-transition: none;    -ms-transition: none;    transition: none;    -webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d;    overflow: hidden;    margin: 0 auto;    width: 100%;    max-height: 0;  }  .flexnav.opacity {    opacity: 0;  }  .flexnav.flexnav-show {    max-height: 2000px;    opacity: 1;    -webkit-transition: .5s ease-in-out;    -moz-transition: .5s ease-in-out;    -ms-transition: .5s ease-in-out;    transition: .5s ease-in-out;  } {    position: fixed;    top: 50px;    right: 5%;    max-width: 200px;    list-style: none;  }  .flexnav li {    font-size: 100%;    position: relative;    overflow: hidden;  }  .flexnav li {    position: relative;    display: block;    padding: .96em;    z-index: 2;    overflow: hidden;    color: #000000;    background: #ff69b4;    border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);  }  .flexnav li ul {    width: 100%;  }  .flexnav li ul li {    font-size: 100%;    position: relative;    overflow: hidden;  }  .flexnav li ul.flexnav-show li {    overflow: visible;  }  .flexnav li ul li {    display: block;    background: #b2b2af;  }  .flexnav ul li ul li {    background: #bfbfbc;  }  .flexnav ul li ul li ul li {    background: #cbcbc9;  }  .flexnav .touch-button {    position: absolute;    z-index: 999;    top: 0;    right: 0;    width: 50px;    height: 50px;    display: inline-block;    background: #acaca1;    background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075);    text-align: center;  }  .flexnav .touch-button:hover {    cursor: pointer;  }  .flexnav .touch-button .navicon {    position: relative;    top: 1.4em;    font-size: 12px;    color: #666;  }  .menu-button {    position: relative;    display: block;    padding: 1em;    background: #ff69b4;    font-family: lobster;    color: #0000;    cursor: pointer;    border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(#ff69b4, #ffc0cb);    background: -o-linear-gradient(#ff69b4, #ffc0cb);    background: -moz-linear-gradient(#ff69b4, #ffc0cb);    background: linear-gradient(#ff69b4, #ffc0cb);  } {    position: fixed;    top: 0;    right: 5%;    padding-right: 45px;  }  .menu-button .touch-button {    background: transparent;    position: absolute;    z-index: 999;    top: 0;    right: 0;    width: 50px;    height: 50px;    display: inline-block;    text-align: center;  }  .menu-button .touch-button .navicon {    font-size: 16px;    position: relative;    top: 1em;    color: #666;  }  @media , (min-width: 1800px) { {      padding-top: 70px;    }    .flexnav {      overflow: visible;    }    .flexnav.opacity {      opacity: 1;    } {      top: 0;      right: auto;      max-width: 1080px;    }    .flexnav li {      position: relative;      list-style: none;      float: left;      display: block;      background-color: #a6a6a2;      overflow: visible;      width: 20%;    }    .flexnav li {      border-left: 1px solid #acaca1;      border-bottom: none;    }    .flexnav li > ul {      position: absolute;      top: auto;      left: 0;    }    .flexnav li > ul li {      width: 100%;    }    .flexnav li ul li > ul {      margin-left: 100%;      top: 0;    }    .flexnav li ul li {      border-bottom: none;    }    .flexnav li {      display: block;      opacity: 1;      visibility: visible;      z-index: 1;    }    .flexnav li li {      overflow: visible;      max-height: 100px;    }    .flexnav li {      margin-left: 100%;      top: 0;    }    .menu-button {      display: none;    }  }  .oldie {    padding-top: 70px;  }  .oldie .flexnav {    overflow: visible;  }  .oldie {    top: 0;    right: auto;    max-width: 1080px;  }  .oldie .flexnav li {    position: relative;    list-style: none;    float: left;    display: block;    background-color: #a6a6a2;    width: 20%;    min-height: 50px;    overflow: visible;  }  .oldie .flexnav li:hover > ul {    display: block;    width: 100%;    overflow: visible;  }  .oldie .flexnav li:hover > ul li {    width: 100%;    float: none;  }  .oldie .flexnav li {    border-left: 1px solid #acaca1;    border-bottom: none;    overflow: visible;  }  .oldie .flexnav li > ul {    background: #acaca1;    position: absolute;    top: auto;    left: 0;    display: none;    z-index: 1;    overflow: visible;  }  .oldie .flexnav li ul li ul {    top: 0;  }  .oldie .flexnav li ul li {    border-bottom: none;  }  .oldie .flexnav li {    display: block;    width: 100%;    overflow: visible;  }  .oldie .flexnav li li {    width: 100%;  }  .oldie .flexnav li {    margin-left: 100%;    top: 0;    display: block;    width: 100%;    overflow: visible;  }  .oldie .flexnav ul li:hover ul {    margin-left: 100%;    top: 0;  }  .oldie .menu-button {    display: none;  }  .oldie.ie7 .flexnav li {    width: 19.9%;  }
<script src=""></script>  <div id="menu">    <div class="menu-button">menu</div>    <ul class="flexnav" data-breakpoint="800">      <li>        <a href="index.php">home</a>      </li>      <li>        <a href="dispatch.php">request pilot cars</a>      </li>      <li>        <a href="invoice.php">submit invoice</a>      </li>      <li>        <a href="gallery.php">photos</a>      </li>      <li>        <a href="contact.php">contact us</a>      </li>    </ul>  </div>

add ul class .flexnav - padding: 0;


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