php - Symfony2 Error: Attempted to call method on class "Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection" -

i have problem symfony project. ask question on stack overflow because seems me it's apparently not... in project have onetoone bidirectional doctrine relation between 2 table named "visiteur" , "coordonnees".

my problem appears when submit visiteur form. clear form persist data in "visiteur" table , persist data in "coordonnees" table ("imbricated form" translation french english)

then have error below :

attempted call method "setvisiteur" on class "doctrine\common\collections\arraycollection".

there visiteurhandler.php persist handle data below. error appears in line 54:


the line below me sure of data type :


i obtain : string(6) "object" normal.

namespace was\rhbundle\form;  use symfony\component\form\form; use symfony\component\httpfoundation\request; use doctrine\orm\entitymanager; use was\rhbundle\entity\visiteur; use was\rhbundle\entity\coordonnees;  use symfony\component\dependencyinjection\containerinterface; use symfony\component\httpfoundation\response;  class visiteurhandler { protected $form; protected $request; protected $em;  public function __construct(form $form, request $request, entitymanager $em) {     $this->form = $form;     $this->request = $request;     $this->em = $em; }  public function process() {      if ($this->request->getmethod() == 'post') {         $this->form->bind($this->request);          if ($this->form->isvalid() ) {         // echo '<pre>';         // print_r($this->request);         // echo '</pre>';         // die();         $this->onsuccess($this->form->getdata());          return true;         }     }  return false; }  public function onsuccess(visiteur $visiteur) {     $coordonnees=$visiteur->getcoordonnees();     $adresse=$visiteur->getadresse();       var_dump(gettype($coordonnees));             $coordonnees->setvisiteur($visiteur);     $adresse->setvisiteur($visiteur);       $this->em->persist($coordonnees);     $this->em->persist($adresse);      $visiteur->setcoordonnees($coordonnees);     $visiteur->setadresse($adresse);      $this->em->persist($visiteur);     $this->em->flush(); }  } 

this entity visiteur main entity :

<?php  namespace was\rhbundle\entity;  use doctrine\orm\mapping orm; use symfony\component\validator\constraints assert; use symfony\component\validator\context\executioncontext; use doctrine\common\collections\arraycollection;  /**  * was\rhbundle\entity\visiteur  *  * @orm\table()  * @orm\entity(repositoryclass="was\rhbundle\entity\visiteurrepository")  *   */ class visiteur {   public function __tostring() { return ucwords($this->prenom . " " . $this->nom); }  public function __construct() {     $this->createdat = new \datetime();     $this->vehicules = new \doctrine\common\collections\arraycollection();     $this->coordonnees = new \doctrine\common\collections\arraycollection();  }   /**  * @var integer $id  *  * @orm\column(name="id", type="integer")  * @orm\id  * @orm\generatedvalue(strategy="auto")  */ private $id;  /**  * @var datetime $createdat  *  * @orm\column(name="createdat", type="datetime")  */ private $createdat;   /**  * @var string $nom  *  * @orm\column(name="nom", type="string", length=255)  */ private $nom;  /**  * @var string $prenom  *  * @orm\column(name="prenom", type="string", length=255)  */ private $prenom;  /**  * @var date $datedebut  *  * @orm\column(name="datedebut", type="date")  */ private $datedebut;  /**  * @var date $datefin  *  * @orm\column(name="datefin", type="date")  */ private $datefin;  /**  * @var string $service  *  * @orm\column(name="service", type="string", length=255)  */ private $service;  /**  * @var string $fonction  *  * @orm\column(name="fonction", type="string", length=255)  */ private $fonction;   /**  * @var text $remarquesecurite  *  * @orm\column(name="remarquesecurite", type="text", nullable=true)  */ private $remarquesecurite;  /**  * @orm\onetomany(targetentity="vehicule", mappedby="visiteur", cascade={"remove"})  */ private $vehicules;  /**  * @orm\onetoone(targetentity="was\rhbundle\entity\coordonnees", mappedby="visiteur", cascade={"remove"})  */ private $coordonnees;  /**  * @orm\onetoone(targetentity="adresse", mappedby="visiteur", cascade={"remove"})  */ private $adresse;  /**  * @orm\manytoone(targetentity="agent")  * @orm\joincolumn(name="agent_id", referencedcolumnname="id", nullable=true)  */ private $hote;     public function isencours() {     $maintenant = new \datetime();     if ($maintenant > $this->datedebut && $maintenant <= $this->datefin || $this->datefin == null) return true;     return false; }  public function isancien() {     $maintenant = new \datetime();     if ($maintenant > $this->datedebut && $maintenant > $this->datefin) return true;     return false; }  public function isfutur() {     $maintenant = new \datetime();     if ($maintenant < $this->datedebut && $maintenant <= $this->datefin || $this->datefin == null) return true;     return false; }   /**  * id  *  * @return integer   */ public function getid() {     return $this->id; }  /**  * set nom  *  * @param string $nom  */ public function setnom($nom) {     $this->nom = $nom; }  /**  * nom  *  * @return string   */ public function getnom() {     return $this->nom; }  /**  * set prenom  *  * @param string $prenom  */ public function setprenom($prenom) {     $this->prenom = $prenom; }  /**  * prenom  *  * @return string   */ public function getprenom() {     return $this->prenom; }  /**  * set datedebut  *  * @param date $datedebut  */ public function setdatedebut($datedebut) {     $this->datedebut = $datedebut; }  /**  * datedebut  *  * @return date   */ public function getdatedebut() {     return $this->datedebut; }  /**  * set datefin  *  * @param date $datefin  */ public function setdatefin($datefin) {     $this->datefin = $datefin; }  /**  * datefin  *  * @return date   */ public function getdatefin() {     return $this->datefin; }  /**  * set service  *  * @param string $service  */ public function setservice($service) {     $this->service = $service; }  /**  * service  *  * @return string   */ public function getservice() {     return $this->service; }  /**  * set remarquesecurite  *  * @param text $remarquesecurite  */ public function setremarquesecurite($remarquesecurite) {     $this->remarquesecurite = $remarquesecurite; }  /**  * remarquesecurite  *  * @return text   */ public function getremarquesecurite() {     return $this->remarquesecurite; }   /**  * add vehicules  *  * @param was\rhbundle\entity\vehicule $vehicules  */ public function addvehicule(\was\rhbundle\entity\vehicule $vehicules) {     $this->vehicules[] = $vehicules; }  /**  * vehicules  *  * @return doctrine\common\collections\collection   */ public function getvehicules() {     return $this->vehicules; }  /**  * set coordonnees  *  * @param was\rhbundle\entity\coordonnees $coordonnees  */ public function setcoordonnees(coordonnees $coordonnees) {     $this->coordonnees[] = $coordonnees;     //$coordonnees->setvisiteur($this);     //return $this;  }  /**  * coordonnees  *  * @return was\rhbundle\entity\coordonnees   */ public function getcoordonnees() {     return $this->coordonnees; }  /**  * set adresse  *  * @param was\rhbundle\entity\adresse $adresse  */ public function setadresse(\was\rhbundle\entity\adresse $adresse) {     $this->adresse = $adresse; }  /**  * adresse  *  * @return was\rhbundle\entity\adresse   */ public function getadresse() {     return $this->adresse; }  /**  * set createdat  *  * @param datetime $createdat  */ public function setcreatedat($createdat) {     $this->createdat = $createdat; }  /**  * createdat  *  * @return datetime   */ public function getcreatedat() {     return $this->createdat; }  /**  * set fonction  *  * @param string $fonction  */ public function setfonction($fonction) {     $this->fonction = $fonction; }  /**  * fonction  *  * @return string   */ public function getfonction() {     return $this->fonction; }  /**  * set hote  *  * @param was\rhbundle\entity\agent $hote  */ public function sethote(\was\rhbundle\entity\agent $hote) {     $this->hote = $hote; }  /**  * hote  *  * @return was\rhbundle\entity\agent   */ public function gethote() {     return $this->hote; }  /**  * remove vehicules  *  * @param was\rhbundle\entity\vehicule $vehicules  */ public function removevehicule(\was\rhbundle\entity\vehicule $vehicules) {     $this->vehicules->removeelement($vehicules); } } 

this coordonnees entity :

 namespace was\rhbundle\entity;  use doctrine\orm\mapping orm;  use symfony\component\validator\constraints assert;  use symfony\bridge\doctrine\validator\constraints\uniqueentity;  use was\userbundle\entity\user user;   /**  * was\rhbundle\entity\coordonnees  *  * @orm\table()  * @orm\entity(repositoryclass="was\rhbundle\entity\coordonneesrepository")  * @uniqueentity(fields="emailpro", message="cet email professionnel est     déjà pris.")  */ class coordonnees { /**  * @var integer $id  *  * @orm\column(name="id", type="integer")  * @orm\id  * @orm\generatedvalue(strategy="auto")  */ private $id;   /**   * @var string $telpro    *   * @orm\column(name="telpro", type="string", length=255, nullable=true)   */ private $telpro;    /**    * @var string $telfax    *    * @orm\column(name="telfax", type="string", length=255, nullable=true)    */ private $telfax;  /**  * @var string $telportable  *  * @orm\column(name="telportable", type="string", length=255, nullable=true)  */ private $telportable;  /**  * @var string $teldomicile  *  * @orm\column(name="teldomicile", type="string", length=255, nullable=true)  */ private $teldomicile;  /**  * @var string $telautre  *  * @orm\column(name="telautre", type="string", length=255, nullable=true)  */ private $telautre;  /**  * @var string $telurgence  *  * @orm\column(name="telurgence", type="string", length=255, nullable=true)  */ private $telurgence;   /**  * @orm\column(name="contacturgence", type="text", nullable=true)  */ private $contacturgence;  /**  * @orm\column(name="contacturgenceus", type="text", nullable=true)  */ private $contacturgenceus;  /**  * @var string $numerobadge  *  * @orm\column(name="numerobadge", type="string", length=255, nullable=true)  */ private $numerobadge;   /**  * @orm\column(type="string", length=255, nullable=true)  * @assert\email(message="email personnel invalide.")  */ private $emailperso;  /**  * @orm\column(type="string", length=255, nullable=true)  * @assert\email(message="email professionnel invalide.")  */ private $emailpro;    /**  * @orm\onetoone(targetentity="was\rhbundle\entity\agent", inversedby="coordonnees")  * @orm\joincolumn( name="agent_id", referencedcolumnname="id")  */ private $agent;  /**  * @orm\onetoone(targetentity="was\rhbundle\entity\visiteur", inversedby="coordonnees")  * @orm\joincolumn(name="visiteur_id", referencedcolumnname="id")  */ private $visiteur;   /**   * @var datetime $updatedat   *   * @orm\column(name="updatedat", type="datetime", nullable=true)   */  private $updatedat;   /**  * @orm\manytoone(targetentity="\was\userbundle\entity\user")  * @orm\joincolumn(name="updated_by_id", referencedcolumnname="id", nullable=true)  */ private $updatedby;    /**  * id  *  * @return integer   */ public function getid() {     return $this->id; }  /**  * set telpro  *  * @param string $telpro  */ public function settelpro($telpro) {     $this->telpro = $telpro; }  /**  * telpro  *  * @return string   */ public function gettelpro() {     return $this->telpro; }  /**  * set telfax  *  * @param string $telfax  */ public function settelfax($telfax) {     $this->telfax = $telfax; }  /**  * telfax  *  * @return string   */ public function gettelfax() {     return $this->telfax; }  /**  * set telportable  *  * @param string $telportable  */ public function settelportable($telportable) {     $this->telportable = $telportable; }  /**  * telportable  *  * @return string   */ public function gettelportable() {     return $this->telportable; }  /**  * set teldomicile  *  * @param string $teldomicile  */ public function setteldomicile($teldomicile) {     $this->teldomicile = $teldomicile; }  /**  * teldomicile  *  * @return string   */ public function getteldomicile() {     return $this->teldomicile; }  /**  * set telautre  *  * @param string $telautre  */ public function settelautre($telautre) {     $this->telautre = $telautre; }  /**  * telautre  *  * @return string   */ public function gettelautre() {     return $this->telautre; }  /**  * set telurgence  *  * @param string $telurgence  */ public function settelurgence($telurgence) {     $this->telurgence = $telurgence; }  /**  * telurgence  *  * @return string   */ public function gettelurgence() {     return $this->telurgence; }  /**  * set agent  *  * @param was\rhbundle\entity\agent $agent  */ public function setagent(\was\rhbundle\entity\agent $agent) {     $this->agent = $agent; }  /**  * agent  *  * @return was\rhbundle\entity\agent   */ public function getagent() {     return $this->agent; }  /**  * set emailperso  *  * @param string $emailperso  */ public function setemailperso($emailperso) {     $this->emailperso = $emailperso; }  /**  * emailperso  *  * @return string   */ public function getemailperso() {     return $this->emailperso; }  /**  * set emailpro  *  * @param string $emailpro  */ public function setemailpro($emailpro) {     $this->emailpro = $emailpro; }  /**  * emailpro  *  * @return string   */ public function getemailpro() {     return $this->emailpro; }  /**  * set visiteur  *  * @param was\rhbundle\entity\visiteur $visiteur  */ public function setvisiteur(\was\rhbundle\entity\visiteur $visiteur) {     $this->visiteur = $visiteur; }  /**  * visiteur  *  * @return was\rhbundle\entity\visiteur   */ public function getvisiteur() {     return $this->visiteur; }  /**  * set updatedat  *  * @param datetime $updatedat  */ public function setupdatedat($updatedat) {     $this->updatedat = $updatedat; }  /**  * updatedat  *  * @return datetime   */ public function getupdatedat() {     return $this->updatedat; }  /**  * set updatedby  *  * @param was\userbundle\entity\user $updatedby  */ public function setupdatedby($updatedby) {     $this->updatedby = $updatedby; }  /**  * updatedby  *  * @return was\userbundle\entity\user   */ public function getupdatedby() {     return $this->updatedby; }  /**  * set numerobadge  *  * @param string $numerobadge  */ public function setnumerobadge($numerobadge) {     $this->numerobadge = $numerobadge; }  /**  * numerobadge  *  * @return string   */ public function getnumerobadge() {     return $this->numerobadge; }  /**  * set contacturgence  *  * @param text $contacturgence  */ public function setcontacturgence($contacturgence) {     $this->contacturgence = $contacturgence; }  /**  * contacturgence  *  * @return text   */ public function getcontacturgence() {     return $this->contacturgence; }  /**  * set contacturgenceus  *  * @param text $contacturgenceus  */ public function setcontacturgenceus($contacturgenceus) {     $this->contacturgenceus = $contacturgenceus; }  /**  * contacturgenceus  *  * @return text   */ public function getcontacturgenceus() {     return $this->contacturgenceus; } } 

you (and define annotations) it's onetoone relation. in visiteur entity class.

you set cordonnees arraycollection instead of single coordonness entity object in constructor.

public function __construct() {     $this->createdat = new \datetime();     $this->vehicules = new \doctrine\common\collections\arraycollection();     $this->coordonnees = new \doctrine\common\collections\arraycollection(); // <-- here  } 

and futher in setter use array too:

/**  * set coordonnees  *  * @param was\rhbundle\entity\coordonnees $coordonnees  */ public function setcoordonnees(coordonnees $coordonnees) {     $this->coordonnees[] = $coordonnees;     //$coordonnees->setvisiteur($this);     //return $this;  } 

so getter returns array (arraycollection object actually) of entities.

let's @ problematic code:

public function onsuccess(visiteur $visiteur) {     $coordonnees=$visiteur->getcoordonnees(); //this returns arraycollection of coordnnees entity objects     $adresse=$visiteur->getadresse();       var_dump(gettype($coordonnees)); // yes, says "object" because it's instance of arraycollection class     $coordonnees->setvisiteur($visiteur); //now should know, why won't work. it's not entity object, arraycollection of entity objects.     //(...) } 

i think $coordonneess shoudn't arraycollection since it's onetoone relation.


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