angularjs - how to call a controller function from ng-click directive? -

i have 2 directives , controller, problem can't call function 'addmarkers()' of controller directive .

i have following codes:


app  .directive('collection', function () {      var tpl = '<ul><member ng-repeat="member in collection" member="member"></member></ul>';      return {          restrict: "e",          replace: true,          scope: {              collection: '='          },          template: tpl      }  })    app  .directive('member', function ($compile) {      var tpl = '<li><a ng-click="addmarkers(member)" >{{member.title}}</a>'+                '<input class="align" ng-if="!member.children" type="checkbox" ng-checked="true"/></li>';      return {          restrict: "e",          replace: true,          scope: {              member: '='           },          template: tpl,          link: function (scope, element, attrs) {              if (angular.isarray(scope.member.children)) {                  element.append("<collection collection='member.children'></collection>");                   $compile(element.contents())(scope)              }          }            }  })


app      .controller('indexctrl', function($scope, itemprovider){        itemprovider.getitems().success(function(data){       $scope.items  = data;      });       $scope.addmarkers = function(item){           alert("helloo");          $scope.markers = itemprovider.addmarkers();      }     });


	<div id="menu" ng-controller="indexctrl">  			<nav>  				<h2><i class="fa fa-reorder"></i>all categories</h2>  				<collection collection='items'></collection>  			</nav>   </div>		

$rootscope global scope should used when required. should kept clean possible avoid pollution of scope variables.

in order access parent method isolated scope can use $parent service, shown below:


example: basic example

in case, directive wants access parent again called inside directive,hence such cases can use $parent.$parent,

scope.$parent.$parent.addmarkers(); shown in following:

example:example case

this can done if number of directives using parent scope limited. if hierarchy long, using multiple $parent makes code clumsy. in cases, preferable add parent method inside service , call service directives.

example: service example


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