html - Cannot identify file format -

first of all, sorry not formatting properly.

does have idea file format is? somehow looks escaped html...

[{"cross_rate_1":{"1":" <\/span>eur\/usd<\/span><\/td><\/nobr>1.1143<\/td>1.1144<\/td>1.1201<\/td>1.1207<\/td>1.1132<\/td>-0.0058<\/td>-0.51%<\/td>","2":" <\/span>gbp\/usd<\/span><\/td><\/nobr>1.5597<\/td>1.5599<\/td>1.5447<\/td>1.5598<\/td>1.5394<\/td>+0.0142<\/td>+0.92%<\/td>","3":" <\/span>usd\/jpy<\/span><\/td><\/nobr>120.06<\/td>120.08<\/td>119.69<\/td>120.10<\/td> 

thanks lot!

looks (a fragment of) json returning html

take @ in jquery, returning html in json result, have escape?


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