ajax - Page not getting redirected php -

i have passed values page using ajax request method post. there 1 condition f 1 directly accessing url, should redirected other page. problem not getting redirected (in else condition in img.php) . can 1 tell me mistake committing?

thanks in advance.



document.getelementbyid("submit").addeventlistener("click", function(event){     event.preventdefault();     saveimgfunc(); });  function saveimgfunc(){     var form = new formdata(document.getelementbyid('saveimg'));     var file = document.getelementbyid('imgvid').files[0];     if (file) {            form.append('imgvid', file);     }     $.ajax({         type : 'post',         url : 'core/img.php',         data : form,         cache : false,         contenttype : false,         processdata : false     }).success(function(data){         document.getelementbyid('msg').innerhtml = data;     }); } 


<?php require '../core.php'; $qry = new processquery('localhost', 'root', '', 'mkart');  $uid = 6;  if($_server["request_method"] == "post"){ //some code here } else{     header("location : ../core.php"); } 

see post https://stackoverflow.com/a/21229246/682754

there's chance may have whitespace before use header function? perhaps in form of hidden error/warning.

try following @ top of php code in img.php

error_reporting(e_all); ini_set('display_errors', true); 

would advise removing once you've found issue


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