ios - Realm lexical or preprocessor 'RLMAccessor.h' file not found -

i wanted write unit tests using grunit & ocmock app using realm. though pods installed , paths should correctly set, xcode can't seem find number of files rlmaccessor.h.

i "lexical or preprocessor issue"

i've tried bunch of things removing realm, downgrading, updating cocoapods, clearing cache, adding libraries , on nothing
seemed work.

anyone been able set realm work grunit?

edit how pod file's set up. i'm using cocoapods including real/headers didn't work test target.

target: myapp     pod 'realm' , '~> 0.92.2'     pod 'localytics', '~> 3.1.1' end     target :test       shared_pods       pod 'realm/headers'       pod 'grunit', '~> 1.0.1'       pod 'ocmock', '~> 3.2.1'     end 

using realm 0.92.2, xcode 6.3.1

so fixed upgrading newer grunit version downgrading agin because grunit didn't work anymore , removing pod 'realm/headers' pod 'realm' , ran pod install again.


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