c++ - How to use QNetworkManager for REST api? -

i make class accessing data via rest api, example:

class meteostation{    int getlatesttemperature();    int getlatestpessure();    private:    qnetworkmanager nmng; } 

how implement methods? using like:

   int meteostation::getlatesttemperature(){           ...       qeventloop eventloop;       connect(&m_nam,signal(finished(qnetworkreply*)),&eventloop,slot(quit()));       qnetworkreply *reply = m_nam.get( req );       eventloop.exec();       reply->readall()       ...     } 

but since using inner qeventloop not recommended, how should see whom response belong to?

meteostation::meteostation(){    connect(&nmam, signal(finished(qnetworkreply*)),                      this, slot(parsenetworkresponse(qnetworkreply*))); }  void meteostation::parsenetworkresponse( qnetworkreply *finished ) {    qbytearray data = finished->readall(); ... 

yes , nice have class thread save. how solving in code?

how bad making call synchronous with:

qnetworkrequest req(url); qscopedpointer<qnetworkreply> reply(nam.get(req));  qtime timeout= qtime::currenttime().addsecs(10); while( qtime::currenttime() < timeout && !reply->isfinished()){     qcoreapplication::processevents(qeventloop::allevents, 100); }  if (reply->error() != qnetworkreply::noerror) {     qdebug() << "failure" <<reply->errorstring(); } qbytearray data = reply->readall(); 

i've resolved problem using qcoreapplication::processevents(). response there within ms , i'm able implement functionality close libcurl.

qnetworkrequest req(url); qscopedpointer<qnetworkreply> reply(nam.get(req));  qtime timeout= qtime::currenttime().addsecs(10); while( qtime::currenttime() < timeout && !reply->isfinished()){     qcoreapplication::processevents(qeventloop::allevents, 100); }  if (reply->error() != qnetworkreply::noerror) {     qdebug() << "failure" <<reply->errorstring(); } qbytearray data = reply->readall(); 


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