php - How can I display `₹` properly in pdf in Magento.? -

indian rupee symbol(₹) not displaying in invoice pdf in magento. in system->manage currency->symbols save currency symbol .

then pdf looks:

enter image description here

i change symbol in system->manage currency->symbols ₹

then pdf looks this:

enter image description here

how can display in pdf(invoice,order etc) in magento.?

r4ven's , rajatsaurastri's answers helped me find solution. thank guys..

however post answer make working well.. font support indian rupee symbol. download dejavu-sans font. font in lib directory. app/code/core/mage/sales/model/order/pdf/abstract.php , app/code/core/mage/sales/model/order/pdf/items/abstract.php

and replace

$font = zend_pdf_font::fontwithpath(mage::getbasedir() . '/lib/linlibertinefont/linlibertine_re-4.4.1.ttf'); 


$font = zend_pdf_font::fontwithpath(mage::getbasedir() . '/lib/dejavu-sans/dejavusans.ttf'); 

(in _setfontregular(), _setfontbold(), _setfontitalic() functions in both files.)

this link gives more info changing font.


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