python - HTTPS with Flask-RESTful and mod_wsgi -

i trying restrict google apps api python client https, using flask-restful , mod_wsgi. api appears work, running errors when point web browsers https url.

i'm new python, flask, , mod_wsgi, have following pared-down example code:


#!/usr/local/bin/python import json import os import sys  directoryserviceobject import directoryserviceobject flask import flask, request flask.ext.restful import abort, api, resource apiclient import errors apiclient.discovery import build  directory_service_object = directoryserviceobject().service_object  app = flask( __name__ ) app.debug = true api = api( app )  class orgunitslist( resource ):     def get( self ):         all_org_units = {}          params = { "customerid": "my_customer" }          try:             all_org_units = directory_service_object.orgunits().list( **params ).execute()         except errors.httperror, e:             error = json.loads(e.content)             return error          return all_org_units  api.add_resource( orgunitslist, "/orgunitslist" )  if __name__ == "__main__": host="", port=5001 ) 


import sys sys.path.insert( 0, "/home/myself/testgoogle" ) testgoogle import app application 


<virtualhost> servername  wsgiscriptalias / /home/myself/testgoogle/testgoogle.wsgi  errorlog /home/myself/error.log loglevel warn customlog /home/myself/access.log combined  <directory /home/myself/testgoogle>   wsgiprocessgroup testgoogle   wsgiapplicationgroup %{global}   order deny,allow   allow </directory>  </virtualhost> 

when point web browser list of google domain's organization units, have error "can't connect server ''".

if first run "python" api starts, using web browser ends "code 400, message bad request syntax", , browser hangs. assuming because script expecting http. of course, expected going same url using http works, , list of org units.

what missing? else need, or need differently, in order restrict api calls https?

i appear have fixed issue making following changes:

  • renamed
  • testgoogle.wsgi renamed testgooglewsgi.wsgi , modified last line read from testgoogleclient import app application.

for reason, having both .wsgi , .py files same name seemed give me "app not found" errors.

i modified apache config:

  • added listen , wsgisocketprefix /var/run/wsgi outside of <virtualhost> section.
  • added following inside <virtualhost>:
    • sslengine on
    • sslcertificatefile /path/to/my/cert
    • sslcertificatekeyfile /path/to/my/key
    • wsgidaemonprocess testgoogleclient python-path=/path/to/python/site-packages
    • wsgiprocessgroup testgoogleclient
    • wsgiscriptalias / /home/myself/testgoogle/testgooglewsgi.wsgi

and top off, needed system administrators allow app through firewall.


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