javascript - Call Window.Close() event for chrome and Opera from Code Behind -

as know close current browser tab chrome can use following code

    var win="","_parent",'');     win.close(); 

i have tried code in way

    function closeme() {        var win ="", "_parent", '');        win.close();     } 

and invoke this:

    <asp:button id="btn" runat="server" text="close window" onclientclick="closeme()" /> 

works charm both chrome , opera.

however trying code call codebehind c#, in way:

   page.clientscript.registerstartupscript(this.gettype(), "keyname", "var win ='', '_parent', '');win.close();", true); 

but unfortunately not firing up.. doubles quotes missing or javascript has not been invoked properly? synatx alright? can 1 me please.?

by security reasons chrome not allowed this.


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