episerver - Is there a way to override the connection timeout when upgrading site from CMS 6 R2 to 7? -

i'm having problem upgrading site cms 6 r2 7. i'm getting wait timeout error while upgrading using deployment center.

i tried add following configuration in c:\program files (x86)\episerver\shared\install\episerverinstall.exe.config:

 <appsettings>   <add key="commandtimeout" value="600"/>  </appsettings> 

but no avail.

as don't want resort manual upgrade, there way override connection timeout?

thanks in advance help.


upgrade log (too long cut display error message):

.... executing database script "c:\program files (x86)\episerver\cms\7.0.586.1\upgrade\database\sql\0007_0000_0041_0000to0007_0000_0147_0000.sql" error has occured , transaction rolled rolledback wait operation timed out wait operation timed out  unhandled error has occured: wait operation timed out when executing @ c:\program files (x86)\episerver\cms\7.0.586.1\upgrade\system scripts\upgrad e site database (sqlserver).ps1:9 char:2 +     execute-episqlsvrscript -episerverscript -scriptpath $file -sqlservername  $dbco ... +    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~  = get-epiisbulkinstalling @ c:\program files (x86)\episerver\cms\7.0.586.1\upgrade\system scripts\upgrade site database (sqlserver).ps1:9 char:2 +     execute-episqlsvrscript -episerverscript -scriptpath $file -sqlservername $dbco ... +    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ system.componentmodel.win32exception (0x80004005): wait operation timed out    @ episerver.install.installationmanager.install(installer installer)    @ episerver.install.sqlserver.sqlserverinstallationmanager.executedatabasescript(string sqlservername, nullable`1 sqlserverport, string databasename, string loginname, string loginpassword, string scriptfilepath, boolean avoiddbtransaction, boolean isepiserverscript, idictionary parameters)    @ episerver.install.sqlserver.cmdlets.executesqlscriptcmdlet.processrecord()    @ system.management.automation.cmdlet.doprocessrecord()    @ system.management.automation.commandprocessor.processrecord() 

if not mistaken (been while since used deployment center) uses connectionstring web.config site , in can define timeout.

see example here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.data.sqlclient.sqlconnection.connectiontimeout%28v=vs.110%29.aspx


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