maven - On Jenkins, Sonar post job MAVEN_OPTS doesn't seem to work -

on particular jenkins job, need configure jvm permsize , maxpermsize maven execution launched sonar.

i'll try different combinations didn't work, maven_opts fields, both on main jenkins build , on sonar post-job configuration.

the command-line displayed in job log concerning sonar :

"d:\program files\<some-project>\pom.xml" -e -b sonar:sonar -dsonar.jdbc.driver=com.mysql.jdbc.driver "-dsonar.jdbc.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/sonar?useunicode=true&characterencoding=utf8" ******** ********<some-host>/sonar 

so, no jvm options set. record, wanted options :

-xx:permsize=512m -xx:maxpermsize=512m 


  • windows 2008
  • jenkins 1.554.3
  • maven 3.0.3
  • sonar 3.7
  • sonar jenkins plugin : 2.1

thank !

for unitary tests example, maven forked java process , jvm options set maven_opts not taken account.

maybe it's same sonar analysis.

if using maven profile launch sonar analysis, can check if can set jmv options in <argline> section?


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