ios - how to get the screenwidth in a UITableViewCell? -

i layout uitableviewcell. need know screenwidth of device. in viewcontroller screenwidth with:


in case 375.

when fetching width in uitableviewcell width of 320:

class cellresult: uitableviewcell {  ... ...     override init(style: uitableviewcellstyle, reuseidentifier: string!) {         super.init(style: style, reuseidentifier: reuseidentifier)          let rowwidth=frame.width; // <--- 320 

i prevously initialized uitableview frame of width of 375.

how real width of device in uitableviewcell ?

as mentioned in comments, can size of screen using uiscreen; however, think proper place access actual size of cell (in case need position own custom views, etc.), after layouts subviews. in other words, can override layoutsubviews() method in cell subclass , whatever need that's based on cell's frame there frame @ proper size.


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