android - GoogleAnalytics custom dimension and metric values not updated -

i created custom dimension , metric , trying fill data android app. created new dashboard of table using custom dimension (user id declared @ user scope) , custom metric (bad attempts @ hit scope level), dashboard says there no values show. maybe i'm sending data in wrong way?

this how it:

public static enum customdimensions {     user_id(1);      private int value;      customdimensions(int numval)     {         this.value = numval;     }      public int getvalue()     {         return value;     } };  public static enum custommetrices {     bad_attempts(1);      private int value;      custommetrices(int numval)     {         this.value = numval;     }      public int getvalue()     {         return value;     } };  public static void sendcustomevent(activity act, customdimensions cd, string dimensionvalue,         custommetrices cm, int metricvalue) {     tracker tracker = getgoogleanalyticstracker(act);     tracker.send(new hitbuilders.eventbuilder().setcustomdimension(cd.getvalue(), dimensionvalue).build());     tracker.send(new hitbuilders.eventbuilder().setcategory("customcategory").setaction("customaction")             .setlabel("customlabel").setcustommetric(cm.getvalue(), metricvalue).build()); } 

and call itself:

sendcustomevent(this, customdimensions.user_id,                         "1", custommetrices.bad_attempts, 1); 

in behavior section of report see events customcategory , on, not value of dimension or metric.

it seems regular events updated sooner custom dimensions , metrices. see "customcategory" event created nothing shown in custom dimension value. after 24 hours (48 total), got data , can see it.


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