java - Big O complexity decision -

i got big doubt regarding complexity analysis of code. need study complexity of "encontrarcaminos()" method , i'm torn between being o(n*m) since gets iterate n times (thru array.aslist (caminos) finding simultaneous ways thru maze -in can never go in direction point passed-) , iterating again 6 times each n due directions go thru.

n number of iterations , increases.

m number of directions checks, clearer.

or, it's o(n) because 6 m times (directions) constant , therefore can ignore em?.

also, if had count cycles/instructions, should put "cycles++;" counter method in particular? it's kinda related previous question, determining complexity that.

here piece of code in question:

public void encontrarcaminos() {         boolean complete=false;         int i=0;         while(!complete)         {                 (dir3d d: dir3d.values())                         {                                 camino caux = this.camino(i).copiar();                                 caux.agregardireccion(d);                                 posicion paux = caux.posicionfinal();                                 if(chequearlimite(paux) &&  this.get(paux))                                         {                                                                                       this.agregarcamino(caux);                                                 this.set(paux, false);                                         }                         }                         i++;                                            if( this.cantcaminos()==(this.xmap*this.ymap*this.zmap))                                 complete=true;         }         system.out.println(caminos); }   //auxiliary things below, of pretty straigthforward, still. ############################################################################### public boolean chequearlimite(posicion p) {                 return  0<=p.getx() && p.getx()<this.xmap                 &&      0<=p.gety() && p.gety()<this.ymap                 &&  0<=p.getz() && p.getz()<this.zmap; }  ############################################################################## public int cantcaminos() {         return caminos.size(); }  ###############################################################################  public void agregardireccion(dir3d dir) {         direcciones.add(dir);         if (dir == dir3d.atras) posicionfinal.sety(posicionfinal.gety()-1);         if (dir == dir3d.derecha) posicionfinal.setx(posicionfinal.getx()+1);         if (dir == dir3d.arriba) posicionfinal.setz(posicionfinal.getz()+1);         if (dir == dir3d.adelante) posicionfinal.sety(posicionfinal.gety()+1);         if (dir == dir3d.izquierda) posicionfinal.setx(posicionfinal.getx()-1);         if (dir == dir3d.abajo) posicionfinal.setz(posicionfinal.getz()-1); }  ########################################################################################  public camino copiar() {         camino aux = new camino(posicion.copiar(posicioninicial));         (int i= 0;i<direcciones.size();i++)         {                 aux.agregardireccion(direcciones.get(i));         }         return aux; }  ########################################################################################  public camino camino(integer indice) {         return caminos.get(indice); } 

any insight or appreciated.

let's refer this.xmap*this.ymap*this.zmap matrix-size.

it looks o((matrix-size)^2) me. since direcciones being appended constant number of times per run of outer loop, calls copiar o(matrix-size) in time. each loop iteration adds @ size of dir3d items (also constant) caminos. continues until total of matrix-size items have been added.

one thing didnt check if possible add more matrix-size -- in case never terminate.


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