c# - How to distinguish between same controls in MVVM? -
i have 5 checkbox
, in view
<checkbox ischecked="{binding path=isselected, mode=twoway}" content="cb1"/> <checkbox ischecked="{binding path=isselected, mode=twoway}" content="cb2"/> <checkbox ischecked="{binding path=isselected, mode=twoway}" content="cb3"/> <checkbox ischecked="{binding path=isselected, mode=twoway}" content="cb4"/> <checkbox ischecked="{binding path=isselected, mode=twoway}" content="cb5"/>
this of code have in viewmodel
class checkboxesviewmodel : inotifypropertychanged { public checkboxesviewmodel() { checkboxes= new observablecollection<models.checkboxes>(); _canexecute = true; } private bool _isselected; public bool isselected { { return _isselected; } set { _isselected = value; onpropertychanged("isselected"); } } public event propertychangedeventhandler propertychanged; private void onpropertychanged(string propertyname) { propertychangedeventhandler handler = propertychanged; if (handler != null) { handler(this, new propertychangedeventargs(propertyname)); } } private observablecollection<models.checkboxes> _checkboxes = new observablecollection<models.checkboxes>(); public observablecollection<models.checkboxes> checkboxes { { return _checkboxes ; } set { _checkboxes = value; onpropertychanged("checkboxes"); } } }
the problem when check/uncheck 1 of checkboxes affects of them.
i assume because have exact same binding, can not figure out how make code distinguish them.
i think use command
, commandparameters
, not seem best solution.
p.s. let me know if see wrong code - still trying learn whole mvvm thing.
you need implement icommand (google delegatecommand able treat action icommand) bind command property of checkbox in view command on view model.
public icommand mycommand { get; private set; } .... mycommand = new delegatecommand((value) => this.dostuff(value));
<checkbox command={binding mycommand} command parameter={...} />
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