ios - Get native size of iPhone (6, 6 Plus, 5 etc) even when only running in zoomed mode (iPhone 5 mode) -

an iphone 6 plus running in zoomed mode (ie not supporting iphone 6 plus native launch image) returns screen size of 320x568 points. i'd native point size @ runtime of current device. iphone 6 plus should 414x736 points. app must run in zoomed mode (iphone 5ish size).

let's take again:

  1. create iphone app natively supporting iphone 5 (and 4...)
  2. launching app iphone 6 plus, @ uiscreen.mainscreen.bounds.size , 320x568.
  3. we want achieve native size of iphone 6 plus (once again, without adding launch image iphone 6 plus app). i'm stuck.

there uiscreen.mainscreen.nativebounds.size, return size in pixels 834.78260869565224, 1481.7391304347827. interesting numbers, if divide uiscreen.mainscreen.nativescale, 320x568.

i hope asking how screen size.

screen size can obtained

cgsize screensize = [[[uiscreen mainscreen] bounds] size]; 

this return main screen size. sorry if mistaken.


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