java - How to use polymorphism in ArrayLists? -
so have zoo program want have list of rooms in zoo, , list of cats in each room.
i have 3 classes: felid
, housecat
, wildcat
- housecat
, wildcat
extend felid
. depending on literal class of animal (right have tiger, persian, siamese , cheetah - tiger , cheetah extend wildcat, persian , siamese extend housecat) attributes automatically assigned.
class diagram -
for example these fields felid:
string speciesname; string furcolour; string gender; int weightpounds; boolean packanimal; string habitat; int age;
these fields housecat:
string ownername; string catname; boolean feral;
these fields wildcat:
boolean maneater;
in constructor housecat have
if(catname == null || catname.equals("")){ feral = true; }
and if cat's feral, when user creates housecat cat name , uses 'printcatinfo()':
@override public void printcatinfo(){ if(feral){ system.out.println("feral" + "\n" + speciesname + "\n" + furcolour + "\n" + gender + "\n" + weightpounds + "lbs\n" + "is not pack animal" + "\n" + habitat + "\n" + age + " years old (human)"); } else{ system.out.println("owner name is: " + ownername + "\n" + "cat name is: " + catname + "\n" + speciesname + "\n" + furcolour + "\n" + gender + "\n" + weightpounds + "lbs\n" + "is not pack animal" + "\n" + habitat + "\n" + age + " years old (human)" + "\n"); } }
it won't print name.
feral siamese white or grey abdomen black legs, face , tail male 8lbs not pack animal urban 7 years old (human)
the trouble counted cats feral assumed because list used list of cats is:
arraylist<felid> catlist = new arraylist<felid>();
so guess catname null because housecats added list count type 'felid'.
how create list can throw of cats , still treat them respective classes?
edit: pointing out assignment operator error, it's still printing feral though
final edit: thank 'doubledouble' pointing out how use 'super()' me - that's not expected problem was. problem:
public class siamese extends housecat{ public siamese(int weightpounds, int age, string ownername, string catname, string gender){ this.speciesname = "siamese"; this.furcolour = "white or grey abdomen black legs, face , tail"; this.ownername = ownername; this.catname = catname; this.weightpounds = weightpounds; this.age = age; this.gender = gender; } }
new code:
public class siamese extends housecat{ public siamese(int weightpounds, int age, string ownername, string catname, string gender){ super(catname); this.speciesname = "siamese"; this.furcolour = "white or grey abdomen black legs, face , tail"; this.ownername = ownername; this.catname = catname; this.weightpounds = weightpounds; this.age = age; this.gender = gender; } }
your constructors seem following (correct me if wrong):
public siamese(int weightpounds, int age, string ownername, string catname, string gender) { this.weightpounds = weightpounds; this.age = age; this.ownername = ownername; this.catname = catname; this.gender = gender; } public housecat() { if(catname == null || catname.equals("")) { feral = true; } }
since ownername
, catname
, , feral
part of housecat
class, best let housecat
constructor handle fields.
public housecat(string ownername, string catname) { this.ownername = ownername; this.catname = catname; if(catname == null || catname.equals("")) { feral = true; } }
siamese looks then:
public siamese(int weightpounds, int age, string ownername, string catname, string gender) { super(ownername, catname); this.weightpounds = weightpounds; this.age = age; this.gender = gender; }
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