sql - How can I efficiently order eager loaded records? -
i have model playlist, , model user, both of have_many of each other, through join model playlistuser.
on playlists#show action, want print list of of playlist's users, along first 2 playlists (ordered :song_count) associated each of users. make 1 query, eager loaded playlist table along users.
right here's have:
<% @playlist = playlist.find(params[:id]) %> <% @playlist_users = @playlist.users.includes(:playlists) <% @playlist_users.each |user| %> <%= user.name %> <%= user.playlists.order(:song_count).reverse.first.name %> <%= user.playlists.order(:song_count).reverse.second.name %> <% end %>
class user < activerecord::base has_many :playlist_users has_many :playlists, :through => :playlist_users end class playlistuser < activerecord::base belongs_to :playlist belongs_to :user end class playlist < activerecord::base has_many :playlist_users has_many :users, :through => :playlist_users end
when remove ordering, query extremely fast. ordering, it's slow, because database apparently has query each playlist before can order them.
can order playlists in original query?
actually when do:
you dont leverage eagerload, redo queries each time.
thanks eagerloading have collection in memory, can sort using ruby method sort:
user.playlists.sort_by {|pl| -pl.song_count }
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