.net - Best way to parse command line arguments in C#? -

when building console applications take parameters, can use arguments passed main(string[] args).

in past i've indexed/looped array , done few regular expressions extract values. however, when commands more complicated, parsing can pretty ugly.

so i'm interested in:

  • libraries use
  • patterns use

assume commands adhere common standards such answered here.

i suggest using ndesk.options (documentation) and/or mono.options (same api, different namespace). example documentation:

bool show_help = false; list<string> names = new list<string> (); int repeat = 1;  var p = new optionset () {     { "n|name=", "the {name} of greet.",        v => names.add (v) },     { "r|repeat=",         "the number of {times} repeat greeting.\n" +            "this must integer.",         (int v) => repeat = v },     { "v", "increase debug message verbosity",        v => { if (v != null) ++verbosity; } },     { "h|help",  "show message , exit",         v => show_help = v != null }, };  list<string> extra; try {     = p.parse (args); } catch (optionexception e) {     console.write ("greet: ");     console.writeline (e.message);     console.writeline ("try `greet --help' more information.");     return; } 


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