c# - WCF service is working on dev server but on production it is not woking -

i have .net client , consuming wcf service , able sucessfully. when try post on our production not able consume same service. below web.config :

<system.servicemodel> <behaviors>   <servicebehaviors>     <behavior name="mybehavior">       <userequestheadersformetadataaddress></userequestheadersformetadataaddress>       <servicemetadata httpgetenabled="true"/>       <servicedebug includeexceptiondetailinfaults="false"/>       <servicecredentials>         <usernameauthentication usernamepasswordvalidationmode="custom" customusernamepasswordvalidatortype="testproject.implementations.authenticateuser,testproject"/>         <servicecertificate findvalue="localhost" x509findtype="findbysubjectname" storelocation="localmachine" storename="my"/>       </servicecredentials>     </behavior>   </servicebehaviors> </behaviors> <services>   <service name="testproject.implementations.servicecustom" behaviorconfiguration="mybehavior">     <endpoint address="" binding="wshttpbinding" bindingconfiguration="sampleservicebinding" contract="testproject.interfaces.iservicecustom"></endpoint>     <endpoint contract="imetadataexchange" binding="mexhttpbinding" address="mex"></endpoint>   </service> </services> <bindings>   <wshttpbinding>     <binding name="sampleservicebinding">       <security mode ="message">         <message clientcredentialtype="username"/>       </security>     </binding>   </wshttpbinding> </bindings> 

and want make service https enabled.

i below errormessage: there no endpoint listening @ http://url.com accept message. caused incorrect address or soap action. see innerexception, if present, more details.

this error suggest wcf service trying access not hosted, or address using connect not pointing service, make sure using address in browser able access service.

if able access service , check client application web.config , find out end point details service. if endpoint url mismatched may error.


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