math - Get total time and create an average based on timestamps -
background: want use coldfusion find total time process takes taking 2 timestamps , adding of total times create average.
question: best way take 2 timestamps , find out difference in time minutes.
time stamp #1: 2015-05-08 15:44:00.000 time stamp #2: 2015-05-11 08:52:00.000
so time between above timestamps be: 2 days 6 hours 52 mins = 3,292 minutes
i want run conversion on handful of timestamp's , take total minutes , divide average.
to add more information question. 1. yes values coming db mssql. 2. going using individual time differences , showing , overall average. in loop each line have value 3,292 (converted mins or hours or days) , @ end of loop want show average of lines shown on page. let me know if need add other information.
assuming query sorted properly, should work.
totalminutes = 0; (i = 2; <= yourquery.recordcount; i++) totalminutes += datediff('n' , yourquery.timestampfield[i-1] ,yourquery.timestampfield[i]); avgminutes = totalminutes / (yourquery.recordcount -1);
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