angularjs - Go back to N'th "page" of a page in Angular -

there page thumbnails. @ bottom there have "show more" button loads more thumbnails. user can click on thumbnail , re-direct application details. when user clicks browser's "back" him land in same position before. how achieve without complex routing?

you can achieve using angular-bootstrap-lightbox , ui-bootstrap pagination. both angular , use common resources


what you're looking along lines of scroll-sneak, want save scroll position when redirect page , load last position when redirect back.

since not find angular directive so, can either

  1. get 1 , wrap around directive, of them use jquery
  2. you can make own.

for example, can use js define queue array , store in localstorage/sessionstorage, when redirect "push" current page location queue, when redirect back, "pop" last stored position.

maintain scroll position of large html page when client returns


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