IPC/RPC for communication between R and Python -


i'm looking ipc/rpc protocol which:

  • has libraries in both r , python 2.7 work on windows
  • allows me pass data , make calls between 2 languages
  • does not embed 1 language inside other (i want use python , r in favourite ides, not embedding bits of r expression strings in python code, vice/versa)
  • supports circular references
  • supports millisecond time data
  • fast , efficient when need pass large amounts of data

i have seen this similar question, unlike op question, do not want use r in pythonic way. want use r in r way in rstudio ide. , want use python in pythonic way in pycharm ide. want pass data or make calls between 2 languages, not blend languages one.

does have suggestions?


i use both python , r interactively (by typing console of favourite ide: pycharm , rstudio respectively). need pass data , call functions between 2 languages ad-hoc when doing exploratory data analysis. instance, may start processing data in python, later stumble across great machine learning library in r want try out, vice/versa.

i've looked @ python libraries pyper , rpy2 both embed r within python, lose ability use r interactively within rstudio. have looked @ rpython, use windows , not work windows.

additionally, i've looked @ xml-rpc of data has objects contain circular references (e.g. tree structure child nodes have references parent). problem is, python's xmlrpclib not support circular references, nor timestamps millisecond precision data contains.


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