qt - PyQt listview with html rich text delegate moves text bit out of place(pic and code included) -

gif showing delegate , without

got listview items need make use of bold text, html delegate way go. looked around , found several solutions , out of them made code, has issue can see in gif, shows results use of delegate , without.

from pyqt4.qtcore import * pyqt4.qtgui import * import sys  class htmldelegate(qstyleditemdelegate):     def __init__(self, parent=none):         super(htmldelegate, self).__init__(parent)         self.doc = qtextdocument(self)      def paint(self, painter, option, index):         painter.save()          options = qstyleoptionviewitemv4(option)         self.initstyleoption(options, index)          self.doc.sethtml(options.text)         options.text = ""          style = qapplication.style() if options.widget none \             else options.widget.style()         style.drawcontrol(qstyle.ce_itemviewitem, options, painter)          ctx = qabstracttextdocumentlayout.paintcontext()          if option.state & qstyle.state_selected:             ctx.palette.setcolor(qpalette.text, option.palette.color(                                  qpalette.active, qpalette.highlightedtext))          textrect = style.subelementrect(qstyle.se_itemviewitemtext, options)         painter.translate(textrect.topleft())         self.doc.documentlayout().draw(painter, ctx)          painter.restore()  if __name__ == '__main__':     app = qapplication(sys.argv)     data = ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9']     main_list = qlistview()     main_list.setitemdelegate(htmldelegate())     main_list.setmodel(qstringlistmodel(data))     main_list.show()     sys.exit(app.exec_()) 

here pyqt5 , pyside versions

i dont use sizehint, since through testing didnt feel affecting behavior. attribute positioning text wrongly, have been able partly counter with:


the default margin 4, , move whole item bit right

rect = options.rect options.rect = qrect(rect.x()+3, rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height()) 

but dont think addresses cause of issue, masks , becomes problem again once try add icons example

well after more digging , trying, adjusting text rectangle seems give feel allright , seems behave consistently in various des

    textrect.adjust(-1, -4, 0, 0) 

i not sure if bug, 1 expect se_itemviewitemtext should have give correct position on own


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