How can one import the whole webDriver project in an executable form so that anybody else can run the suite by just a click.? -

i relatively new selenium webdriver , self learner. have created webdriver project consists of different packages , have made use of page factory concepts extensively. use testng framework run suite generate report. test cases following testng framework concepts. team wants use script run @ every build test sanity. build team wants run whole script click. can shell script command or .exe or jar. build team uses linux m/c , dont have ecplise , testng installed in machine. intention whenever build given want run script click or command in command prompt.( has simple them) , report should generated in location in hdfs

my script runs on ff version 32 , selenium webdriver 2.44.0

would appreciate if give me solution works requirement.

i found similar query not sure if answer still suits.
how make java executable jar file of webdriver project

could please give me solution. or solution mentioned in above link stil best?


there few ways it:

  1. use ci tool (jenkins): can set project in jenkins , allow run project in single click. jenkins provides option run tests periodically can configure in such way executed after time period.jenkins capable trigger execution if there changes in source code of tests. i'd suggest use tool.

  2. use .bat or .sh file: not sure if using build tool ant or maven, if using 1 of them can write .bat or .sh file run tests. ant

if not using build tool start using, run tests in simplest way.for me run entire suite, type below command in terminal root directory of project

ant run -dsuite=all 
  1. if more concerned system configuration e.g. system used build team not have specific version of browser or specific required library. i'd suggest keep essentials browser installation files, libraries in project directory. not practice yes others run tests smoothly.


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