c# - How to work with SQL Server stored procedures using Entity Framework -

i'm new programming using stored procedures , entity framework. have created sql server database table called dbo.book hold book title , auto incremental id column.

i have created stored procedure insert record dbo.book , return id column value of newly entered record:

use [testing1db] go  set ansi_nulls on go  set quoted_identifier on go  create procedure dbo.uspaddbook     @title nvarchar(50),     @bookid int output       begin            set nocount on;      insert dbo.book (title)      values (@title)          select @bookid = @@identity end 

when move visual studio , add entity framework data model c# windows forms project using existing database, generates ...context.cs code related stored procedure follows:

public virtual int uspaddbook(string title, objectparameter bookid) {     var titleparameter = title != null ?                 new objectparameter("title", title) :                 new objectparameter("title", typeof(string));      return ((iobjectcontextadapter)this).objectcontext.executefunction("uspaddbook", titleparameter, bookid); } 

my problem is, method requires 2 parameters. 1 title can pass code, , parameter denotes 'bookid' don't know is, because wanted pass title of book , book_id in return. so, can't call method 'uspaddbook' because don't know send second parameter. please me.

you set objectparameter...

objectparameter bookid = new objectparameter("bookid", typeof(int32));//check type context.uspaddbook("title", bookid); int newbookid = bookid.value; 

or, can use ef this....

  context.book.addobject(title);   context.savechanges();   int bookid = title.bookid;  

i haven't tested of this, it's along right lines...


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