html - How to make a Input fill the remaining space -

in case have li.first fills entire line (100%) , li.third have variable size depending on text (return external service).

i need make li.second fill line alongside li.third. in li.second have input have fill entire line less space ocuped link contained in li.third.

i have found ways that, need change html code , in case can't.

is there way without changing html, css?

 <ul>         <li class="first">some random text</li>         <li class="second">             <input type="text" />         </li>         <li class="third">             <a href="#">some random text (that change time time)</a>         </li>     </ul> 

set li elements display:inline-block , float them:

ul li {   display: inline-block;   float: left; } 

don't forget clear float:

ul:after {   content: "";   display: block;   clear: both; } 


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