node.js - about pm2 reloadLogs and log-date-format -

i using pm2 version 0.12.9

i start app using command:

pm2 start bin/www --name gototravel --log-date-format="yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm z"

then query pm2 logs

ll ~/.pm2/logs

-rw-rw-r-- 1 wucho wucho 0 may 12 11:03 gototravel-error-0.log

-rw-rw-r-- 1 wucho wucho 1822 may 12 11:03 gototravel-out-0.log

my first question don't see log file prefixed timestamp.

then run

pm2 reloadlogs

and query pm2 logs,but no log generated

ll ~/.pm2/logs

-rw-rw-r-- 1 wucho wucho 0 may 12 11:03 gototravel-error-0.log

-rw-rw-r-- 1 wucho wucho 1822 may 12 11:03 gototravel-out-0.log

i nodejs newbee , give me suggestions?


--log-date-format prefix entries in log files, not prefix log file names.

reloadlogs doesn't rotate logs you. causes log file recreated if it's been rotated out under program process.


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