sql - how to get bool value from List<object> in c#? -

hi converting vb project c# youtube tutorial mkaatr use variable

 private dbmsresultsets list(of object) 

so use variable in c# private list<object> dbmsresultsets;

and later in code use function return type bool , use method

return dbmsresultsets(i).read 

so use same thing visual studio give me error hover on vb code (dbmsresultsets(i).read)it "get or set element @ specified index"

so around , find out if write return dbmsresultsets[(int)i]); same thing ("get or set element @ specified index")

now visual studio give me error can not convert object bool use convert.to , try (bool) mean try typecast both method didn't work need giving whole vb code , conversion c# code

the problem in function readandnoteof

vb code

imports system.data.sqlclient      ' class used manage connectivity database     public class dbmsclass          ' define connection string         private dbmsconnectionstring = "data source=.\sqlexpress;attachdbfilename=c:\users\asus\desktop\librarymanagementsystem\database\lms.mdf;integrated security=true;user instance=true;multipleactiveresultsets=true"          ' define connection         private dbmsconnectionobj system.data.sqlclient.sqlconnection          ' define transaction         private dbmstransactionobj system.data.sqlclient.sqltransaction          ' define commands object , result sets         private dbmscommands list(of system.data.sqlclient.sqlcommand)         private dbmscommandcodes list(of long)         private dbmsresultsets list(of object)          ' command counter         private dbmscommandcounter long          ' open database connection         public function opendb() string             try                 ' open connection                 dbmsconnectionobj = new sqlconnection(my.settings.myconnection)                 dbmsconnectionobj.open()                  ' create transaction                 dbmstransactionobj = dbmsconnectionobj.begintransaction                  ' prepare commands list                 dbmscommands = new list(of system.data.sqlclient.sqlcommand)                 dbmscommandcodes = new list(of long)                 dbmsresultsets = new list(of object)                  ' prepare command counter                 dbmscommandcounter = 0                  ' return ok                 return "ok"             catch ex exception                 return ex.message             end try         end function          ' used run sql commands         public sub executesql(byval sql string, byval paramarray obj() object)              ' build command object             dim cmd new system.data.sqlclient.sqlcommand(sql, me.dbmsconnectionobj, me.dbmstransactionobj)              ' add parameters sql command             dim integer             = 0 obj.length - 1                 cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@" & i, obj(i))             next              ' run sql             cmd.executenonquery()          end sub          ' function used commit transaction         public sub commit()             me.dbmstransactionobj.commit()             me.dbmstransactionobj = me.dbmsconnectionobj.begintransaction         end sub          ' function used rollback transaction         public sub rollback()             me.dbmstransactionobj.rollback()             me.dbmstransactionobj = me.dbmsconnectionobj.begintransaction         end sub          ' function used create result set         public function createresultset(byval sql string, byval paramarray obj() object) long             dbmscommandcounter += 1              ' build command object             dim cmd new system.data.sqlclient.sqlcommand(sql, me.dbmsconnectionobj, me.dbmstransactionobj)              ' add parameters sql command             dim integer             = 0 obj.length - 1                 cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@" & i, obj(i))             next              ' read data             dim rs = cmd.executereader(commandbehavior.default)              ' store objects in list             me.dbmscommandcodes.add(dbmscommandcounter)             me.dbmscommands.add(cmd)             me.dbmsresultsets.add(rs)              return dbmscommandcounter         end function          ' function used close result set         public sub closeresultset(byval nmbr long)             dim integer             = 0 me.dbmscommandcodes.count - 1                  ' find command , result set                 if dbmscommandcodes(i) = nmbr                      ' objects                     dim r = me.dbmsresultsets(i)                     dim c = me.dbmscommands(i)                      ' remove objects list                     me.dbmsresultsets.removeat(i)                     me.dbmscommands.removeat(i)                     me.dbmscommandcodes.removeat(i)                      ' return resources                     r.close()                     r.dispose()                     c.dispose()                      return                  end if             next              throw new exception("the command or result set not exist")         end sub          ' function used read single record db         public function readandnoteof(byval code long) boolean             ' search             dim long             = 0 me.dbmscommandcodes.count - 1                 if dbmscommandcodes(i) = code                     return dbmsresultsets(i).read                 end if             next             throw new exception("command or resultset not exist")         end function          ' function used column value db         public function getcolumnvalue(byval code long, byval columnname string) object             dim long             = 0 me.dbmscommands.count - 1                 if dbmscommandcodes(i) = code                     return dbmsresultsets(i).item(columnname)                 end if             next             throw new exception("command or resultset not exist")         end function     end class 

my c# code

//this class used manage connectivity database using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using system.text; using system.threading.tasks; using system.data.sql; using system.data; using system.data.sqlclient;  namespace library_main {     public class dbmsclass     {         //define connection string          // private string dbmsconnectionstring = "data source=(localdb)\\v11.0;attachdbfilename="\\d:\\tutorial\\c # tutorial\\3 may 2015\\library_main\\library_main\\bin\\debug\\database\\lms.mdf";"integrated security=true;connect timeout=30";         //define connection         private sqlconnection dbmsconnectionobj = null;         //define transaction         private sqltransaction dbmstransactionobj;          // define commands object , result sets         private list<sqlcommand> dbmscommands;         private list<long> dbmscommandcodes;         private list<object> dbmsresultsets;         // command counter         private long dbmscommandcounter;          //open database connection         public string opendb()         {             try             {                 //open connection                 dbmsconnectionobj = new sqlconnection(properties.settings.default.connectionstring);                 dbmsconnectionobj.open();                 //creat transaction                 dbmstransactionobj = dbmsconnectionobj.begintransaction();                 //prepare commands list                 dbmscommands = new list<sqlcommand>();                 dbmscommandcodes = new list<long>();                 dbmsresultsets = new list<object>();                 // prepare command counter                 dbmscommandcounter = 0;                 //return ok                 return "ok";             }             catch (exception ex)             {                 return ex.message;             }         }          //this used run sql commands         public void exceutesql(string sql, params object[] obj)         {             //build command object             sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand(sql, this.dbmsconnectionobj, this.dbmstransactionobj);              //add parameters sql command             int i;             int count = obj.length - 1;             (i = 0; <= count; i++)             {                 cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@" + i, obj[i]);             }             //run sql             cmd.executenonquery();         }          //this funtion commit          public void commit()         {             this.dbmstransactionobj.commit();             this.dbmstransactionobj = this.dbmsconnectionobj.begintransaction();         }          // function used rollback transaction         public void rollback()         {             this.dbmstransactionobj.rollback();             this.dbmstransactionobj = this.dbmsconnectionobj.begintransaction();         }          //this function used creat result set         public long creatresultset(string sql, params object[] obj)         {             dbmscommandcounter += 1;             // build command object             sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand(sql, this.dbmsconnectionobj, this.dbmstransactionobj);              // add parameters sql command             int = 0;             (i = 0; <= obj.length - 1; i++)             {                 cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@" + i, obj[i]);             }                 // read data                 dynamic rs = cmd.executereader(system.data.commandbehavior.default);                  // store objects in list                 this.dbmscommandcodes.add(dbmscommandcounter);                 this.dbmscommands.add(cmd);                 this.dbmsresultsets.add(rs);             return dbmscommandcounter;         }          // function used close result set         public void closeresultset(long nmbr)         {             int = 0;              (i = 0; <= this.dbmscommandcodes.count - 1; i++)             {                 // find command , result set                  if (dbmscommandcodes[i] == nmbr)                 {                     // objects                     dynamic r = this.dbmsresultsets[i];                     dynamic c = this.dbmscommands[i];                      // remove objects list                     this.dbmsresultsets.removeat(i);                     this.dbmscommands.removeat(i);                     this.dbmscommandcodes.removeat(i);                      // return resources                     r.close();                     r.dispose();                     c.dispose();                     return;                 }             }             throw new exception("the command or result set not exist");         }          // function used read single record db         public bool readandnoteof(long code)         {             // search             long = 0;             (i = 0; <= this.dbmscommandcodes.count - 1; i++)             {                 if (dbmscommandcodes[(int)i] == code)                 {                     return convert.toboolean(dbmsresultsets[(int)i]);                 }             }             throw new exception("command or resultset not exist");         }          // function used column value db         public object getcolumnvalue(long code, string columnname)         {             long = 0;             (i = 0; <= this.dbmscommandcodes.count - 1; i++)                  if (dbmscommandcodes[(int)i] == code)                 {                     return dbmsresultsets[(int)i].equals(columnname);                 }              throw new exception("command or resultset not exist");         }      } } 

the result of calling executereader on sqlcommand object sqldatareader

see here

in part of code

// read data dynamic rs = cmd.executereader(system.data.commandbehavior.default);  // store objects in list this.dbmscommandcodes.add(dbmscommandcounter); this.dbmscommands.add(cmd); this.dbmsresultsets.add(rs); 

the type of rs not exact equivalent of resultsetlike accrostic suggests sqldatareaderwhich has boolean method call readand return true until there no more datas fetch stream

so here in boolean method called readandnoteofinstead of

return convert.toboolean(dbmsresultsets[(int)i]); 


sqldatareader reader = (sqldatareader)dbmsresultsets[(int)i]; return reader.read(); 

on same pattern can column value in method getcolumnvalue if change:

return dbmsresultsets[(int)i].equals(columnname); 


sqldatareader reader = (sqldatareader)dbmsresultsets[(int)i];  object columnvalue = reader[columnname]; return columnvalue; 

see here on msdn definition of accessor this (brackets reader[string_value]) takes string parameter (the column name)

of course need sure read method of sqldatareader has returned true (your above method)

hope helps you.


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