Assign a boolean value inside and "if" statement in Java? -

this question has answer here:

in java, looking @ code , noticed boolean value assigned value of true inside if statement. thought if statement evaluate statement , not allow programmer set value. purpose of this? "take out dinner" never reached, correct?

public class dinner {   public static void main (string[] args)   {      boolean iskeeperfish = false;      if (iskeeperfish = true) {        system.out.println("fish dinner");      } else {        system.out.println("take out dinner");      }    } }  

you test equality using double equals signs:

if(iskeeperfish == true) { } 

you can use assignment inside if-clauses this:

int = 7; int b; if((b = + 5) == 12) {     system.out.println(b); // print 12; } 

though it's discouraged since looks bit messy , assignment easy miss.


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