javascript - endDate showing as Invalid Date using Daterangepicker -

i using daterangepicker select startdate , enddate. startdate works fine enddate shows invalid date.

here code:

var dateformat = "d mmm yyyy";  var displaydate = function() {             var dateformat = "d mmm yyyy";             var begin = moment($("#add-start-date").val());             var end = moment($("#add-end-date").val());              if( begin !== null && end !== null ) {                 $("#add-start-date").parent().removeclass("hidden");                 $("#add-start-date").parent().siblings().removeclass("hidden");             } else if( begin !== null ) {                 $("#add-start-date").parent().removeclass("hidden");                 $("#add-start-date").parent().siblings().addclass("hidden");             }              if (begin !== null){                 $("#add-start-date").html(begin.format(dateformat));             }             if (end !== null){                 $("#add-end-date").html(end.format(dateformat));             }              $("#add-when-results").removeclass("hidden");             // $(".facet-when h5").hide();              if( begin === null && end === null) {                 $("#add-when-results").addclass("hidden");                 $(".facet-when h5").show();             }         }; $(function(){      $(".facet-when").daterangepicker({         format: dateformat,         locale: {             fromlabel: 'from',             tolabel: 'to'         },         parentel: "#mem-add-overlay .facet-when"         },         function(start, end) {             var begin_string = "";             var end_string = "";             if( start !== null ) {                 begin_string = start.format("yyyy-mm-dd");             }             if( end !== null ) {                 end_string = end.format("yyyy-mm-dd");             }             $("#add-start-date").val(begin_string);             if( begin_string === end_string  ) {                 $("#add-end-date").val("");              } else {                 $("#add-end-date").val(end_string);             }             displaydate();         }); }); 

html line:

<input id="id_add-when" maxlength="100" name="add-when" type="hidden"> 

when clicking input field, opens calendar. startdate current day date , enddate same. if directly click apply button, startdate takes fine enddate returns invaliddate. again if select enddate enddate takes fine..

any suggessions please


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