Why these strings are not translated by Qt 5 -

i'm porting qt4 project qt5 (qt 5.4.1 + vs2013), project have string translations. source file utf-8 encoded. today found piece of code won't work (they worked in qt4).

this->paralist.push_back( qpair<qstring,qstring>( qstring(tr("℃:")), qstring(tr("Ω")) ) ); 

'paralist' qlist, , strings in shown in qtablewidget. both show correctly in qliguist, when application run, centigrade symbol , ohm symbol don't translated correctly, below

enter image description here

but other strings translated correctly. locale zh_cn. why these 2 characters so special?

problem encoding. using non ascii characters translation pattern. there change in qt5 how c-strings converted (i don't remember details) , i'm suspecting might problem.

try use trutf8 should fix problem.


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