actionscript 3 - AS3 Starling: How to remove black bars on top and bottom of iPhone 6+/...? -

i'm trying out starling framework actionscript 3 , have "big" problem removing these ugly black bars on top , bottom of iphone 6+.

i tried fix with: ,

but still wont work :(

any ideas?

package {    import flash.display.sprite;    import flash.display.stagealign;    import flash.display.stagescalemode;    import;    import flash.geom.rectangle;      import starling.core.starling;    import;    import starling.utils.halign;    import starling.utils.valign;      public class foobar extends sprite {        private      var _starling: starling;        public      function chouseapp() {        super();          stage.align = stagealign.top_left;        stage.scalemode = stagescalemode.no_scale;          starling.handlelostcontext = true;          var screenwidth: int = stage.fullscreenwidth;        var screenheight: int = stage.fullscreenheight;        var viewport: rectangle = new rectangle(0, 0, screenwidth, screenheight)            _starling = new starling(mainapplication, stage, viewport);        _starling.stage.stagewidth = 320;        _starling.stage.stageheight = 480;        _starling.showstats = true;        _starling.showstatsat(halign.left, valign.bottom);        _starling.start();        }        }  }


(black bars marked red arrow)


you need include launch image of name default-568h@2x.png, of size 640x1136, default-667h@2x of size 750x1334, default-736h@3x of size 1242x2208 or ios launch app resolution of 640x960, giving black bars. can read official documentation here


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