c - create makefile for static library and executable simultaniously -

i have 3 files should included in static library (file1.c,file2.c,file3.c) , 1 file should include main function (main.c file) , linked static library.

i create 1 makefile create library , create executable.

my base makefile is:

cc=gcc cflags=-c -wall ldflags= sources=file1.c file2.c file3.c objects=$(sources:.c=.o) out=libctest.a executable=hello ldflags = -static  .c.o:     $(cc) $(cflags) -c $< -o $@  $(out): $(objects)     ar rcs $(out) $(objects)  all:     (cc) -o $(executable) main.c $(out)  clean:     rm -f $(objects) $(out) 

the library created executable doesn't created (all: (cc) -o $(executable) main.c $(out)) idea needed?

make default process first target in makefile. in case .c.o target. make all default target move top. many people prefer style all won't rather depend on others. along lines:

all: $(executable)  $(out): $(objects)     ar rcs $(out) $(objects)  $(executable): main.c $(out)     (cc) -o $(executable) main.c $(out) 


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